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New FEGA Web Site
Hi Everyone

As you may have noticed...............the web site has changed. And for the better!!!

It has new graphics/photos and all the pages have been completely rewritten. You should also find that the navigation is a lot better and things are a lot easier to find.

There are several changes to the way you can upload photos onto your members page

Forgotten your password information when you log in................There is a new look log in box that has a button for those that have forgotten their password information. The web site will automatically send you an e-mail reminder if you follow the steps correctly. Try it out

Speaking of which...................e-mails. Most members change their e-mail addresses from time to time. Approximately 80% of your e-mail addresses on our data base are wrong. So please take the time to update your contact information in the "your account" section.

If you find any bugs or things not working properly, please contact Rex or myself (or post on this forum) so we can make the necessary fixes and changes.

We owe FEGA member Bill Gamradt a huge round of applause for this. He has taken on, and done, what the professionals wouldn't touch. Not only is the front end (what you see) completely revamped but also the back end (what you can't see) so that the administration of the web site is vastly improved.


Posted by Andrew Biggs  at 6/1/2012 6:16:50 PM.
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