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New Forum Coming Soon
Hi Everyone.

As you are aware we have upgraded the FEGA web site and very soon we will be updating the FEGA forum to the V-Bulletin software. Again we have Bill Gamradt to thank for this. We've been working hard behind the scenes setting it up and testing it.

This will be in line with all the other forums out there and have a lot of features that other forums provide.

You will be able to upload photos directly from your computer as well as your web site/photo hosting service.

This is going to be a great feature for those that are computer challenged because you can load a photo directly from your computer and the forum will automatically crunch it down to a manageable size. No special programs required.

The exciting part about this is that it makes it real easy to set up your web page (Regular members or FEGA Master Engraver) on the FEGA web site and add photos to it. Full instructions will be available on the new forum when it goes live.

So keep an eye out for the change..........You will have to register again on the new forum because we can't utilize your existing information. So please take the time to re-register and post. You can use all your old "log-In" information to register if you want..............or you can use a new name and log-in information. All I ask is that you please sign up with your real name if possible. That way we know who everyone is. It's not compulsory but would be nice.

Rex and Barry will be the moderators so be gentle on them because they haven't done it before. The new forum will be a work in progress so any problems or hassles let the moderators know about it and it'll be fixed as best we can. Undoubtedly there will be a few initial bugs in the system.

So watch this space :-) :-)


Posted by Andrew Biggs  at 6/25/2012 5:14:51 PM.
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