Ad rates, conditions and deadlines for The Engraver magazine
FEGA reserves the right to control all the Engraver magazine articles, editorials and advertising which include among other things, acceptance, rejection, size, quantity, quality and content. without explanation. Only one ad, per issue, per advertiser is allowed in the magazine, two pages maximum.
Approximate schedules for publication and ad submission deadlines
Jan-Feb-March issue: November 15th
Apr-May-June issue: February 15th
Jul-Aug-Sep issue: May 15th
Oct-Nov-December issue: August 15th
Deadlines for magazine
Engraver Magazine Ad - 1/4 Page, 1Time $72.00
Engraver Magazine Ad - 1/2 Page, 1 Time $132.00
Engraver Magazine Ad - Full Page reduced rate $198.00
Engraver Magazine Ad - 1/4 Page reduced rate $61.00
Engraver Magazine Ad - 1/8 Page reduced rate $33.00
Engraver Magazine Ad - 1/2 page reduced rate $116.00
Engraver Magazine Ad - Full Page 1 time $220.00

