The Benefits Of FEGA And Why You Should Join
The Engraver magazine is delivered to your door four times a year no matter where you live. Full of interesting articles and the only magazine exclusively devoted to the art of hand engraving in the world. All members can have their work published in the magazine.
The annual exhibition and convention is an opportunity for you to display your work and network with other like minded engravers, collectors and general public from around the world.
The FEGA free educational seminars at the annual convention cover all aspects of hand engraving and are available on DVD in the shop section from previous years.
Download for free the FEGA “How To” book. A thick manual packed full of useful tips and tricks about hand engraving accumulated from many years of hard practice. This manual alone is worth more in useful information than the joining fee of FEGA.
Advertise your engraving business on the FEGA web site for free under the Regular or Master Engravers pages. Many of our members pick up work this way and it is open for all current FEGA members that wish to take on regular engraving commissions or just want to show the world their work.
The FEGA Master Engraver certification is open to all members that wish to have their excellence in engraving recognised. These are FEGA members that have attained the highest level of skill in the art of engraving.
The annual awards for engraving are carried out at the annual exhibition/convention. All FEGA members can participate and enter their submissions in the appropriate categories. The level of work is outstanding.
Networking is never to be underestimated and you will find the FEGA members are only to happy to educate the public and help novice engravers getting started with friendly and constructive advice. Even full time professional engravers need inspiration but like anything, you only get out of something what you put into it. Be prepared to go to the annual convention and you will be surprised at the people you meet and the advice given when asked for.
The John Barraclough Emerging Artist Award is a one off grant to help financially that enables a member to display at our annual exhibition/convention. This is open to all members that have not displayed there work before at the show. It is designed to encourage those that may be a bit nervous about doing so.
Access to the members only part of the web site that lets you download promotional FEGA material and other useful information for FEGA members.