FEGA is the world’s foremost authority and organization for firearm engravers and hand engraving enthusiasts.
The Firearms Engravers Guild of America (FEGA) was formed by firearm engravers as a non profit organization to perpetuate the art of firearm engraving. With over 30 years of history, our service to both engravers and the public is well known. Since those early days we have come to grown encompass all forms of hand engraving and most of our members enjoy engraving a wide variety of canvases.
FEGA has now become the recognized source of information on American engravers and hand engraving as well as being the foremost advocate of the fine art of firearm engraving in the world. The Guild has dramatically raised the level of recognition of the art. The camaraderie of its members and the resulting exchange of artistic and ethical thought have inspired unprecedented interest in engraving and engravers.
Do you have to engrave firearms to join the Guild?
No, While firearms engraving is our core objective we support all styles of engraving. Most of our members engrave knives, jewellery, watches, fishing rods and all sorts of canvases that are not related to firearms. We also have members that specialise in scrimshaw.
Engraving is engraving and what you learn on one canvas you can take to another. We encourage members, both professional and amateur to expand their skills to other areas of the engraving arts.
Do I have to Be an American Citizen to join FEGA?
FEGA is an international organisation. Most of the members live and work within the USA but we have many members from all over the world. We encourage and foster international friendships and exchanges of ideas and techniques.
Objectives of FEGA
To broaden public awareness and appreciation of fine quality firearm engraving
To provide opportunities for engravers to exchange ideas, knowledge and techniques.
To assist in improving individual engraving skills.
To promote firearms engraving and other forms of engraving as an art form.
How can I contribute to the guild?
Contributions can be made in monetary means or simply by sharing ideas and techniques. Everyone has unique knowledge, abilities, and connections that can help make our guild stronger.
We welcome submissions for our magazine - from something as simple a tip, to a more in-depth, technical, how to article, or perhaps the history of particular engraver if you have that knowledge.
Volunteers to help with the day to day operations of the guild, special projects, etc. are appreciated; tell us what your skills are, and we will be glad to have you actively participating.
For those with not enough time as it is, financial donations are gladly received, if you feel so inclined. Many individuals donate plain old cash for scholarships or other special projects.
How do I learn to engrave something, firearms included?
There are many schools that teach engraving. Go to the Links Page.
FEGA presents free seminars every year at the annual exhibition covering a very wide range of engraving related subjects and these are available for purchase as DVD's also on the shop page.
Just attending the annual exhibition will give you a wealth of knowledge. Being able to see world class engraving and engravers is worth the trip. You are able to interact with these people and ask questions about the areas that you want to improve. Knowledge is freely shared.
Can you tell me who engraved a gun?
Possibly, but not always. We have a historical database of many engravers. While it deals mainly with American engravers, we have many international engravers listed as well. If a gun has some signature or marking, there is a good chance we can point you in the right direction. Many engravers sign their work in an obvious location, while some engravers are famous for hiding their signature somewhere in the design. Guns that have no markings are more difficult to determine who did the engraving. Some engravers are instantly recognizable for their work, while numerous others are not. Some guns, many of them factory engraved with a standard pattern, have no signature at all. For more information, contact us.
Can you tell me what a gun is worth?
FEGA does not do appraisals. Establishing a value on engraved firearms can be very difficult. Many variables must be considered. Factors that affect the price include the quality and amount of engraving, the quality and overall condition of the firearm, the engraver's reputation, whether or not it is signed, and the type and desirability of the gun itself.

The FEGA Master Engraver Program
The FEGA Master Engraver certification is available to both Regular and International members. Please check the link below for more information.

