Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

     Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

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FEGA Annual Auction

Attend And Contribute To The Annual FEGA Auction!

The auction is held in conjunction with the banquet every year at the annual Exhibition/convention. It is a great place to get some bargains and have an enjoyable meal with your fellow FEGA members and guests.

The auction also has a serious side and is used to raise funds for FEGA. This allows us to subsidize a few things during the year and keep annual dues down to as low as possible.

It is only available because of the generous and warm-hearted people that donate items to ensure that the evening is a success.

If you have any items that you wish to donate, then you can contact FEGA at or the Auction Chairman Christopher Costa email Phone 209-535-7730 Address Christopher Costa, 625 W Greenwood St., Springfield, MO 65807

There is also an Auction donation form that can be downloaded under the convention button or at the top of this page.

A big thank you to all past and present auction donators. Your contributions are valued and appreciated by all the FEGA members.

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