Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

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New York Knife show

Images from the New York knife show.

Barry Hands
3/3/2012 7:00:32 PM

Carl Lopez with a BLH engraved knife

Lindsay engraved knife that sold at the show

MacKenzie Knife

Pedersolli engraved knife

More photos from the New York Knife Show.

Barry Lee Hands
5/31/2012 10:23:26 AM

Pedersolli engraved knife

CJ Cai and engraved knife

CJ Cai engraved knife

CJ Cai engraved knife

More photos from the New York Knife Show

Barry Lee Hands
5/31/2012 10:33:11 AM

Gualdi engraved knife

Gualdi engraved knife

Amayak Stepanyan engraving in his room

Amayak Stepanyan engraved knife.

Excellent photos Barry. Thank you for posting.

Robert Bissell
6/25/2012 10:52:35 AM


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