Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

     Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

    Master Engraver Logo


Master Engraver Jim  Blair

Another single shot rifle.
Featuring a mule deer buck in relief.

Engraving by Jim Blair
59 Mesa Verde, PO Box 64, Glenrock, WY, 82637

Jim is mainly a self taught engraver. He started the learning process in 1978 with the attendance at a NRA sponsored engraving program. He finally realized his goal of engraving full time in 1993.

His preference is to work on custom guns and knives. He also does engraved prints, doing the actual printmaking himself.

Jim does several types of scrolls, preferring to give the leaves of the scroll life through shading and light relief.

He enjoys engraving animals in a bulino-banknote combination and also in sculptured deep relief. He also does precious metal inlays.

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A Winchester HiWall Another single shot rifle. A beautiful knife featuring African scenes. A butt plate featuring a mountain lion. FIne Work!

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