Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

     Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Custom Firearm Engraving

    Master Engraver Logo


Apparel/Other Items
Shipping & Handling Charges:
$4.00 per order + $2.00 per lb.
No Sh. & H. Charge for 0 weight items.

International Customers See Notice At Right.
International Shipping & Handling Fee: $43.00
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Number of Items:  0   |  Total  $0.00

Banquet Tickets
Product Code: Banquet Tickets    Weight = 0 lb.
Every year at our annual exhibition/convention we have a banquet and auction night. This is a fun evening where we can all sit down and catch up with each other over in a relaxed setting with a pleasant meal amongst good company.

Presentations are made to the annual award winners. Following the awards is an auction with many unique and special items. The auction is an important fund raiser for the guild. It is an enjoyable event and we hope to see you there.

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